OK - so I got a little side tracked on my running plans when I had emergency surgery earlier in February for an internal hernia. But I am back to a more regular schedule of running and I am up to 6 miles on my long runs on the weekend.
So I went ahead and signed up for th 10K in April that I had originally planned on running. It is the Cary Road Race and it will be held on Saturday, April 10.
I also signed up for the Spring Saunter in Durham on April 18. This race has a 10K and a 5K. Since I will have just done a 10K the week before, and a lot of friends are running the 5K - I will be doing just the 5K on that day.
Did I just say "just a 5K"? Seriously? That is like an out of body experience.
I also signed up to run at the Mission Outreach Benefit 5K on May 1. This race is being held at my kids school and they are really excited to see me run that race. They also have a fun run and the kids are "training" with me to run in that. It's been fun to work on that with them.
I have one more race that I would like to sign up for and I keep chickening out. The Inside Out Classic Half Marathon on May 16. If I up my long runs every weekend by one mile starting next week (while keeping my runs during the week up to 45 minutes to an hour) I think I could be ready for it. It would be nice to get one in before I do the Myrtle Beach mini-marathon in October. There are very few races in this area during the summer because it's so hot - so I would take the summer off from racing and just concentrate on getting my running in and my endurance up.
So that is my running update. I know you're all so excited.
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