Sunday, July 25, 2010

Another new adventure

So the other thing that I have been doing the past few weeks that I haven’t mentioned here on my blog is that I picked up a second job. I am now your Lia Sophia Advisor. I was looking for a way to make some extra money. 3 kids gets expensive really quick and while I am extremely grateful for my day job and I enjoy it a lot – the fact is – I make MUCH less money doing it now than I did just 4 years ago. I took a huge pay cut to become a “regular” employee (as opposed to a contractor) and have not seen a raise since due to the economy – so in essence – I make less now than I did when they hired me because inflation has gone up about 10% in that time and I have stayed still. Never mind – don’t get me started. I know I’m not the only one on that bus and I am truly grateful to just have a job in this economy – I really am. But back to my original point – I needed a way to make extra money that wouldn’t cut into my “day” job or keep me away from my family a ridiculous amount of time.

I have done direct sales before. My mom is a bit of a super-star when it comes to direct sales. She has been doing it for 20 years and is one of the top in her company, At Home America. I have sold for them in the past. I enjoy it, but again, let’s face it – the economy isn’t a friend to most Direct Sales companies at this time. That would be the ideal situation for me – I could set my own hours, etc…. I just needed to find the best way to do it.

I have always loved Lia Sophia jewelry and I knew a few people in the “biz” who were managing to be pretty successful with Lia Sophia – even in this economy. So I did my research and decided to give it a shot. Why Lia Sophia? Well, their jewelry is great and I wanted me some o’ dat. But also their compensation plan was great AND their hostess program was quite simply – phenomenal. Hostesses get a TON of stuff – and in Direct Sales – Hostesses are your bread and butter.

So I had my Grand Opening Party this past week. And it was successful beyond my wildest dreams. It was quite simply – a kick ass Grand Opening. I am so excited about this great start to my new business – and without that excitement – you can’t really do well in this kind of business.

I have a great manager. Her name is Anne and she lives, quite literally, half way across the country from me in MA. But she has done a great job of bridging that physical gap to coach me. We use Skype a lot to chat and I get to sit in on her meetings with the rest of the group and glean even more useful information that way.

With all that being said – check out my new Lia Sophia web page at The new catalog for Fall/Winter comes out in August and there is some great stuff in there.

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