Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back To Work

Today I went back to work.  YIKES!  Not sure if I just have to get used to working again - or if I am fighting something.  I had my 4 week follow up appointment with the surgeon yesterday after a weekend where I could hardly get out of bed because of being so dizzy and shaky and generally feeling like crap.  He is concerned that I have an infection and is doing some cultures and bloodwork and I am waiting to hear about all that stuff.  Until then - it was my day to go back to work - so I did.  I missed my work peeps - it was good to see them.  I'm easing my way back into the heavy duty stuff.  I'm so exhausted and still feeling really cruddy - so I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, girl. Keep us posted on what the doctors say. Praying for you!


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