Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bad Blogger

I know - I am a very bad blogger.  I haven't blogged in 2 weeks!  Crazy!  I have been at home - trying to be a good girl and rest and recover.  My major incision is still iffy at times, but the pain has gotten better.  I am reminded if I try to do too much that I am recovering from having a major organ removed from my body. 

The other thing that I have been struggling with lately is feeling very dizzy and shaky.  The problem is that this could be attributed to many things.  It could be medication I am taking - it could be that I haven't eaten enough - or that I have eaten the wrong things.  I am getting postural hypotension a lot the past week or so.  That is when you stand up from sitting or laying down and get very dizzy - it's a result of a drop in blood pressure.  Like I said - could be lots of things.  Your kidneys (or kidney in my case) play a big part in your blood pressure.  But tri-cyclic anti-depressants can also cause this (I take 2 different ones right now).  And with my gastric bypass - the dizziness and shakes could be caused by either not eating enough or eating the wrong things (too many carbs, etc...).  All I know is I have spent an awful lot of time in bed feeling like crud the past few days.

I have my 4 week check up with the surgeon tomorrow.  I will talk about it with him.  Assuming that all else is well he will probably sign off on me returning to work.  I was feeling like it was time, but the past few days have made me wonder what the heck is going on with me.  I don't like wondering what is going on with my body.  I'm really rather tired of it.

But I am just waiting for 6 weeks post op (2 more weeks to go!) until I can run again.  Of course, it's been hotter than the south side of the sun here, so when I can start running again I will have to be very careful as to when and how far and how long I run.

Something that I did just today is I invested in a RoadID.  What is a Road ID you ask?  Well, it's kind of like a medical alert bracelet - but mainly for when I am running. 

I say that because it's not really a fashion forward accessory that I might wear to work or for an evening out.  For that I will have to find something to work better.  :)  But when I run I often times run in places where people don't know me and most often by myself.  If I were to get hurt, or pass out or something stupid like that - how would I let people know who to contact or what is important to know about me?  It appears more and more these days that I have some important medical information that people should know about me.  If I'm unconscious - how would they know?  The reason I chose Road ID is because it is interactive.  It actually gives them a website that they can go to and enter my information and it will give them everything they need to know - such as my emergency contacts, doctor information, my allergies (I have 2 now), and other important medical information - such as the fact that I have had gastric bypass and I only have 1 kidney.  I was seriously running out of room to put all this information!  :)  This allows me to put it all on a website and first responders would be able to see everything by entering the information on my bracelet.  At least now when I know I will not have anyone with me - there will be a way for people to know what is important to know about me.

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