Monday, February 15, 2010


I got my hair cut last week again.  Not really newsworthy most days, but I have been kind of excited about this hair cut.  People who know me well know that I kinda like to play with my hair.  I wear it long, I wear it short, I wear it red, I wear it blonde, I wear it curly, I wear it straight.  It's all hair - in the grand scheme of things - it will grow back or out or whatever.

But something I haven't done in a long time is wear my hair really short.  Like - shave my neck short.  But I love my hair that way.  I felt my face was too fat to pull that off.  I lacked the confidence I felt it took to wear your hair really short.  But this time - I did it.  I went short!

I realize it's not everyone's cup of tea - the short short thing.  I went super short on the sides and in the back and left it long on the left side.  I also had highlights and low-lights put in and the low-lights are violet.  FUN!  Again - a little edgier than most and I know that not everyone will like it - I LOVE IT!  And it is so much easier for running.  And have I mentioned I have purple in my hair!  HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE.


  1. You are so silly. :) Glad you love your hair, girl!

  2. I love it! I showed Ben your polar plunge video and he said he loves your hair, too!


Show me some love people!