Friday, August 13, 2010

I want off this ride

The fun just never stops here in Pamelot.  I had my consultation with the oral surgeon on Wednesday morning for my wisdom teeth.  Turns out I just had one that needed to be removed.  He had a cancellation after me and was able to just take care of it while I was there - so he did.  It wasn't bad and I don't have to think about it anymore.

So when I woke up Thursday - that was my biggest concern - the pain in my mouth and head from that.  But I had to get to work for a big team meeting that morning, so I took some Tylenol and sucked it up and went to work.

After the big team meeting we had I had a conference call that I needed to run.  So I stayed in the meeting room we were in and started the call there instead of heading back to my office.  Our group's administrative assistant was also there finishing things up and cleaning up the room - dealing with catering, etc...  Suddenly during my conference call I started getting some really intense pain.  I've had this pain before - it was the pain that lead us to eventually find my kidney tumor.  This pain was BAD - was coming fast - and would not let up. My chest hurt - all the way around to my back - and as a result I was hyperventilating.  I was shaking and having trouble breathing. I called the administrative assistant over to where I was and it was apparent very quickly that I was not doing well.  She went and got the building's security involved.  The company I work for really has their act together as far as first response, etc...  The head of security in that building is an EMT.  So he came with first responders and got my vital signs - gave me oxygen and called EMS.

So the firetruck came ... then the ambulance ...  You know I just love feeling special.  When they first started taking my pulse ox it was down in th 70's, but administering oxygen and getting me to calm down managed to fix that.  But the pain was not going away - it was coming in waves.  So the EMS asked me "Can we take you to the hospital?"  I said "I don't really get a choice, do I?"  she said "Well, you can choose which hospital we go to."  :)

So I got to take an ambulance ride.  Yeah me!  (Can you feel the sarcasm there?)

After several hours of blood work and xrays and tests the ER doc came to tell me that it appeared I have Pancreatitis. Pancreatitis is just simply when the pancreas is enflamed.  So I was admitted to the hospital for observation and treatment.  I have had an ultrasound for them to look closer at my liver and bile ducts.  I had my gallbladder removed in 06, so I didn't think that gallstones could still be a problem for me (a common cause of Pancreatitis), but apparently you can still get gallstones or sludge build up in the bile duct. Treatment for Pancreateitis is just pain meds (and I am telling you - I have never had pain meds like this - WOW!) and resting the bowel and pancreas.  Which means I just lay here and don't eat or drink.  Not even ice chips - nothing that could signal the pancreas to start doing it's thing by releasing enzymes and hormones to aid in digestion.

So ... Seriously?  I mean really?  To say I am cranky would be the understatement of the year at this point.  I want off this ride - I'm done.  I just simply can't take any more excitement in my life right now.  I'm so sick of this.  I am hitting my limit.  So beware of the cranky lady on the 6th floor of Rex Hospital.  I hear she's the youngest one on the floor.


  1. I love the website, go day to see him ever again post. Congratulations and published as yet.
    How about the article, is that other, very interesting.

  2. Wow, Pam.... this journey for you has been difficult, I know!!! I am sorry you are still going through all of this. I pray that the Lord will allow you to HEAL COMPLETELY!!!!!!

  3. Oh Pam!! I am so sorry all of this is happening to you!! Stay Strong My Friend, I am thinking about you!!!!



Show me some love people!