Thursday, August 26, 2010

Plan of Attack ... Finally

After being in the hospital for 4 days I have finally met with the right doctors and we have a plan of attack.  I won't go into all of the details around the cluster that has been my life in the hospital.  Major mass confusion on my condition and the resulting communication around it was a nightmare.  The important thing is this:

The MRCP that was done did not show any stones in the bile ducts - it showed enlarged ducts - not uncommon after the gallbladder has been removed.  But my blood work shows that when I have these attacks not only do my pancreatic enzymes elevate - so do my liver enzymes.  This is evidence that whatever is going on is affecting my liver - almost like things are backing up there.  So while the MRCP is not really showing anything definitive - the bloodwork is indicating that there is a problem. 

So the next step would be an ERCP which is an endoscopic procedure (a camera down the throat) that would allow the doctor to visualize the ducts and do a sphincterectomy to relax that muscle.  As I previously stated that is difficult after you have had gastric bypass surgery.  So instead of it being endoscopic - it will now be done laparoscopically and surgically.  They are looking to specifically go in and make a cut in the Sphincter of Oddi to allow that muscle to stop acting like a dam.

All of this will be done tomorrow afternoon whenever the GI Surgeon and Dr. Enochs can coordinate their schedules in the operating room together.

Seems pretty straightforward doesn't it?  I have been in the hospital since Monday afternoon and just today at lunch was allowed clear liquids.  I have to now stop because of the procedure I'm having tomorrow.  This has been absolutely crazy.  I'm really ready to be done with doctors and hospitals and being poked and proded.  I'm ready to be done with all the pain I have had.  I don't get bored easily.  But I have been BORED being here the past 4 days.  It looks like I will be here until at least Saturday now.  Today I was told I was the most sane person on the floor - this after I unleashed the Wrath of Pam in order to get SOMEONE - ANYONE to tell me what the heck is going on.  That can't be good!  :)

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