Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I had a dentist appointment today.  Just your usual 6 month cleaning appointment.  So I thought.  Not so much.  I now have to my upper wisdom teeth removed.  Doesn't sound like such a big deal really - it's not major surgery or anything.  But it will be the 4th surgery I have this year!!!!!!!!!  I mean - really?  Do I have some cosmic kick me sign on my back or something?  I just don't know how much more of this crap I can take.  Let's review, shall we?
  • Cholosteatoma surgery on my ear - they remove what's left of the bones in my middle ear and build me a new ear drum.
  • Internal hernia repair surgery - emergency surgery to repair an internal hernia due to massive weight loss.
  • Right nephrectomy - right kidney removed due to kidney cancer.
And like I said - not like having your wisdom teeth removed is any big deal - but all things considered .... I'm just fed up!

1 comment:

  1. Are you having them removed by oral surgery? I had mine pulled in my dentist's office with novocaine. It was wasn't a big deal at all, but that's because they were already erupted (or whatever the dental term is for "out")!


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