Thursday, June 17, 2010

Home Again

So not even 48 hours after having my kidney removed I was sent home from the hospital.  Kind of amazing to me.  I am very sore and have to be careful of not over-doing it.  Doc has put a moratorium on running for 6 weeks but is encouraging me to walk as much as I want.  I was warned to be careful in this heat, though - it would take it out of me much quicker than before.  I was walking the halls at the hospital as much as I could.  I just went up a couple of houses up the street a little bit ago with the girls.  The smallest things just totally wipe me out right now.  To be expected I guess - just have never been very good at laying low.  I don't have pathology results from Elvira back yet, but hope to by tomorrow.  Doc said he would call me as soon as he had them.  So now to get to the business of healing.


  1. Wow, you're home quick! yes, the heat will certainly zap any energy you may muster up.. make sure you take it easy and find a good book to cuddle up with and recoup! :)


  2. That's amazing!!! So awesome! But you do have be careful or you'll pay later. This weather is disgusting--like walking in water! My mom called today to ask how you were--she's in Hawaii visiting my brother, but really wanted to know how you were doing. Glad to hear the good report.

  3. Glad you are home! Definitely be careful in this heat but I am thankful you are able to get out and walk. That will do the healing process good just as long as someone doesn't overdo it. HINT, HINT. :) Still praying for you!

  4. Hola, Chica! Just wanted you to know I was thinking about you and praying for you. I haven't been on fb much this week (mulching like a madwoman, and getting ready to head out to MA for 2 1/2 weeks has occupied a lot of my time), but I have been keeping updated on how you're doing and praying for you! I'll keep checking to see what pathology says about the tumor. I'm so glad you're able to be home already and seem to be recuperating so well!


Show me some love people!