Monday, March 23, 2009

Hell Has Frozen Over!

OK - I just did something I swore I would never do - ever ever again.

I haven't done it since high school. I didn't enjoy it even then.

I jogged. I can't believe it. I jogged! 2 whole miles!

Now let me be clear here. I jogged. I did not run. It was only slightly (allbeit ever so slightly) faster than a good walk. But I did it! I jogged! I have no idea what possessed me, but I did it! I only stopped to walk once in 2 miles! I can't believe it! And in the spirit of true confession - I waited until it was dark so no one could see me. :)

And can I just say - I truly don't know why I did it. I have hated jogging and running for forever. No interest in doing it whatsoever. I was pretty active in high school. Did Volleyball, Cheerleading, Softball, and even Track & Field. I like to emphasize the "Field" part of Track and Field. And truth be told - I only did it to (1) get out of school early for track meets, and (2) go to the Pennsylvania track meet for 3 days which meant - out of school for 3 days and a chance to make out with my boyfriend on the bus in the dark. As soon as said boyfriend graduated from high school I quit. And I only ran when I had to as part of my conditioning. My coach would occassionally put me in races and I dreaded it. I was always last. I was an awful runner. I was fair to poor in the field events as well. I did shot put, high jump, javelin, and dabbled in discus and long jump. Anything to keep the coach from entering me in a race. Anything. So when I quit Track I vowed I would never jog or run again - ever. I hated it - I would have awful asthma attacks every year - usually landing me in the ER. Tonight I have been out of breath to be sure, but nothing like I thought I would be. I can't believe I went 2 miles!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Pamela my name is Valerie Sigler I am on your mothers team in Connecticut with At Home America !!! And that is so awsome CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!! Your family is beautifull!!! keep up the GREAT work!!!!!


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