In getting ready to leave I have had an interesting problem - finding clothes that fit. I have found a ton that fit, but now the problem is deciding which to take with me! It's so exciting to have cute clothes that fit. I drove my husband crazy last night trying on a gagillion things and going "Does this look OK?" Of course, he's not that crazy about me going without him - so he could care less if I look OK or not. :)
I am looking forward to sleeping in, napping, sitting in the sun, walking, reading a book without being interrupted every 5 minutes, and just basically not living by anyone else's timeline.
When I come back I have an appointment with my Primary Care Physician (Dr. Bloom) to discuss some hip pain I have been having. I went to the chiropractor about the hip pain earlier this week. He said my hip was mis-aligned, but he also feels that because of the rapid weight loss I have my hips are having some bio-mechanical issues. He feels physical therapy is in order because my gait has probably changed. Right now my hip locks up randomly and really hurts when it does. So we'll see how physical therapy helps.
Have a great time, Pamalamadingdong! :) I love you girl and hope you rock in FL this week! Don't worry about a THING and truly appreciate the time for all it is...