I had a very odd thing happen to me last night. Out of the blue I had incredibly intense and awful chest pain. I could hardly breathe. It was very scary. I've had bad pain before for various reasons (ovarian cysts rupturing, gallbladder attacks, etc...) and have never been scared. Last night I was SCARED.
The pain went away eventually. I went to the doctor this morning and he ran a gaggle of tests. We don't believe it was my heart - thank goodness. Instead, he thinks it was an esophageal spasm. He said that they could be very painful and feel much like a heart attack.
But this is not the point of my post. A couple of things happened when I was at the doctors office that were WOW moments for me. Doctor's appointments in the past have always been very stressful for me for various reasons.
First was weighing myself. I so dread that - probably always will. It wasn't the weight I wanted to see - but the girl who weighed me was like "WOW! You've lost a lot of weight!" HEHEHEHE!
Then we move on to my blood pressure. My blood pressure used to be astronomically high - even on 3 different medications. So just the thought of having them check it usually sent my blood pressure even higher. Starting with having to take the regular cuff off and put on the "big girl" cuff so that it would fit around my arm. In fact, I was so used to having to do make that switch that I automatically just said "You're going to need the bigger cuff." She just laughed at me. "I don't think so darlin'." And she didn't! And my blood pressure was 118/75! WOO HOO!
After some more various tests and xrays I had to go have some blood drawn. I had just convinced myself that my veins were "deep". Yeah - right. So again, I told the phlebotomist "I have good thick veins, but they are deep and people usually have a tough time finding them." She said "I don't know what you're talking about - it's right here at the top." She didn't have to dig and dig to get the vein - it was right there! Easy-speezy lemon cheesey!
I wasn't expecting to find wow moments at the doctor's office after being so stressed out over the strange chest pain. The unexpected wow's are always the best! :)
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