Thursday, February 12, 2009

Still ...

So I am still having problems with Kanga. She just seems to never be happy. The steroids don't seem to have worked. If I don't refund the Roo and manage to keep everything down - I have awful foamies and I am in pain for several hours afterwards - even liquids can do this to me now. It's kind of hit or miss. But I am miserable. Yesterday I was actually at -147 calories for the day because I went hiking. I am so tired because I am hardly getting any calories in. And because I am hardly taking anything in my body is holding on to every ounce of it so I haven't lost any weight this week.

So I called my surgeon today to let them know that the steroids didn't seem to work, etc... The nurse called me back and had me call the GI Doc and get in with them. I called the GI doc and they can't see me until next Friday. WWWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! I was assured I wouldn't die staying on liquids until then. Yes, thank you, I realize I have enough fat to sustain me for quite some time. But that is just the consult. That isn't actually correcting the problem!

SSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOO - here I sit playing Russian Roulette with my food for another 8 days.

On another note - I kinda had a WOW moment today. I had to take my daughter to the doctor for a rash she has. My whole family sees one family doctor. I love him - Dr. Bloom. He is da bomb! Anyway - he hasn't seen me since I was trying to get my paperwork together for surgery. So he walked in and he got this huge smile and said "Did you have the surgery?" Yes, 6 weeks ago. He told me he could tell and that he thought I looked great and he was very excited for me. But the best was he couldn't believe my blood pressure was already under control. He checked it and it was phenomenal as usual. Yeah Me!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Pam, I'm so sorry to hear about your day. It does sound like a stricture which is very uncommon....I hate that you have to wait that long. I used Dr. Tyner to remove my gallbladder but Dr. Samual for my endoscopies. I really liked him and his office is at the corner of Cary Pkwy and Tryon Rd. He didn't seem to be as "booked" as others. Let me know if you want his number. Good Luck and feel better soon! This liquid diet sucks.......


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