Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Birthday Blessings

In the midst of all this ....  well it's not appropriate for me to use the words I am really thinking at the moment to describe what all "this" is ... but in the midst of all of it - here are my blessings.

  1. Have I mentioned the great team of doctors I have?  Dr. Bloom, Dr. Jalkut, and Dr. Hutzenbuhler.  I think I hit the jackpot here.
  2. Have I mentioned that I have some really kick ass friends?  RAMP in particular - you know who you are.  As Rebecca has said - I need RAMP time like I need air.  But it's not just RAMP - I have some great friends who lift me up in prayer, lift me up with encouragement, just lift me up in general.  Some old - some new.
  3. My family - I am fortunate enough to have my parents living in my yard. Their support and encouragement is tremendous.  Then there's my sweet husband.  It's all OK.  We'll get through this together.  And my children - who keep me grounded and humble above all else.
  4. I have been told by each one of my doctors to be thankful for the chest pain I have been having.  So as annoying as it is - I am thankful for it.  It led them to discover Elvira and she had been very quietly just waiting in the wings for her chance to shine.  I would still like to find out the source of the chest pain - cause it's still there.  Listening more to the theory that it's anxiety than I had before.  It may be that my body is anxious and my head has not caught up yet.  :)
  5. Facebook.  Yes, I'm addicted.  But I'm also thankful for it - for a way to reach out to those in my life - past and present.  And also a way for them to reach out to me.  The words of encouragement that I have received the past few days have been like a salve to my soul.
So I am focusing on my blessings today.  Happy Birthday to me.


  1. Sharon and Ed BakkerMay 25, 2010 at 7:49 AM

    Pamela, You are a very strong woman! My husband and I will certainly keep on praying for you as you go through this ordeal. May you feel God's arms around you and His strength every minute of every day. You have many people praying for you. I hope this is over soon and you can get on with your life. We pray they get it all and you are home soon. Thank you for sharing with us because we can all pray for you and that is POWERFUL!

  2. Oh Pam, I had no idea! I sit here in tears and lifting you up in prayer. God is SO Great and Good. He will be there for you and be with you. I know how crazy a time like this is. I see my surgeon again today to plan my second thyroid surgery in July. Getting news that there is(or there is a good chance of it,in your case)cancer in you is such a blow. I felt like someone sucker punched me. That probably was the worst day of my life. But never felt God more then at this time. I pray that you feel His presence and His grace. I pray that He guides the hands of all your doctors. I pray that He gives you a smooth and quick recovery. I wish that I lived closer so I could help you! Just know that you are on my heart and in my prayers. I love you! Stay Strong!

  3. Happy Birthday, Pam! We are lifting you up to the Great Physician! My devotion this morning was "in everything give thanks"... and you are doing just that. Listen to the "anxiety" talk that you have been hearing... I had heard that for years but said it couldn't be me. Found out recently, I was wrong about that. Once the Lord takes care of your surgery, you can concentrate on that. Sending you hugs and love...

  4. look at you... counting your blessings even as your stress is peaking. good for you. you've been on my heart all night and day and God and i have been speaking on the matter. words are very healing and can help diffuse stress, especially words of life and truth. as i receive them i will pass them on...God bless you today on your birthday!

  5. Happy belated birthday!


Show me some love people!