Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Runner's High

I had always heard about a Runner's High - but I never believed it.  Had you even told me I would be running when I had my gastric bypass surgery I would have said "Why?  Is someone chasing me?  With a gun?  Cause I don't run."  But I have discovered a lot about running in the past year.  One being that - it is great for my mood.  I recently found this article and had to pass it along:  http://rwdaily.runnersworld.com/2010/05/if-running-were-a-drug-itd-be-illegal.html

1 comment:

  1. Now that I have begun walking again... and doing that with the kids... I have found it has helped me in ways I never realized before. I, too, find it helps with stress and gives me more energy. Great article. :)


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