Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Wrath of Pam

I'm so frustrated.  They still have not scheduled my surgery.  I called twice yesterday and this morning my husband called.  Today we got two excuses: one was that Dr. Jalkut has my file and has to write something up for the surgery before they can schedule it, and the other is that he wants to see the bone scan before he schedules the surgery.

Whatever - both of these contradict what he told me in person on Monday.  He said if he could do it on Tuesday - he would.  He said that surgery would be scheduled quickly.  Two days later is not quickly in my book.

And thus ... The Wrath of Pam.

So I called Dr. Bloom and told on him!  :)  So now Dr. Bloom and his nurse have both called over there to inquire about when I will be scheduled as well.

If I don't hear from them in the morning tomorrow - all hell will be breaking loose. 

Well, kinda.  I have my upper endoscopy tomorrow morning.  I have to be at the endoscopy center at 8:00am.  So I will probably be quite out of it tomorrow morning and well into the afternoon.  HHHHMMMMM .... The Wrath of Pam on versed ... this could be interesting.

But I am going to be persistent ... cause that's how I roll.  You've basically told me I have cancer.  You know when the bone scan is - and you know that you will have the results the same day - so put me on the freakin' OR schedule!  The trick is how do I do this with some level of decorum - seeing as how they do hold my kidney (damaged as it is) in their hands.

And speaking of the upper endoscopy.  I would rather have my kidney out than have another upper endoscopy.  Why?  Because the last time I had one they had to wake me up in the middle of it.  So instead of not remembering the procedure - I have very vivid memories of it - not fun to be awake while they stick a camera down your throat and into your stomach.  Hopefully, because I have lost so much weight and because I have a different doctor, this time will be a much better experience.

So I wish I had a better update to give you - this is today's update.  Watch out - Pam is on the warpath until she gets this surgery scheduled.

1 comment:

  1. I can only imagine how frustrated you must be!

    As far as the endoscopy goes - I feel your pain. I have a follow up appt with my gi doc that I've rescheduled 3 times. My ulcer is not bothering me right now, but I still had my ulcer last time I got my upper GI done.. So, I'm just delaying the invevitable.. UGH!!


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