- Life begins when the baby is born.
- A woman has a right to privacy when it comes to her own body and her decisions regarding reproduction.
May I just say - what a crock of bull. So it's "just a fetus" if a woman wants to abort her baby, but at the same time if that same woman is killed in her car on the way to the abortion clinic and both she and the baby die - the person who crashed into her car and caused said death would be chargeppopod with 2 counts of manslaughter. Take the Scott Peterson case - he was charged with 2 murders when he killed his pregnant wife. Do you know what "fetus" means? It means "little person". So which is it? You can't have it both ways in the court systems - charging people with 2 deaths when a woman who is pregnant dies, but saying that life doesn't begin until birth.
And I love how a woman is entitled to privacy if she wants an abortion, but she is not entitled to those same rights driving down the road without a seat belt. She is not entitled to do whatever she wants with her body if she decides she wants to drive while drinking, or do illegal drugs, or engage in prostitution.
And while I feel so strongly about this issue, God has blessed me by bringing into my life friends who have chosen to have abortions - to show me the pain and the agony and the desperation involved in making a decision like this. I believe He did it to give me a more compassionate heart and to show me His love and forgiveness in action.
But aside from the issue of abortion, today is about recognizing God's hand in life - from conception to death.
Psalm 139: 13 - 16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
These verses give me shivers every time. I get all verklempt remembering seeing my children on ultrasound - at only 6 weeks having a heartbeat! Remembering how even though my twins were born 8 weeks early - they were perfect! And my heart breaks for my friends who have had miscarriages, who have lost babies late in gestation after living with feeling that life inside them, and for those who have lost children after having the privilege of being their parents on this earth for such a short time.
And then there are days (like today!) when it's all I can do not to strangle my little angels! For days like that I am reminded of this verse:
Psalm 127:3
Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward.
I can remember one Sunday when we lived in Michigan - just after church - the girls could now run around and I had 3 children all running in different directions all over the church - driving me insane! I was about ready to pull my hair out! When my wonderful prayer warrior (Eileen - you know who you are!) came and gently put her arm around me and said "Remember how we prayed for them?" Well, if that didn't take the wind right out of my sails. Yes, I had prayed for them - I had prayed for years for them! Through 3 years of infertility - countless cycles unable to conceive. They truly are my constant reminders of God's grace and mercy in my life. Of all the things that I do in this life - all of the roles that I play (wife, friend, co-worker, employee, sister, daughter) - the role of Mother is my most cherished. My children are truly a gift.
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