Monday, January 12, 2009

Shout Out!

So I have noticed that I have some people reading my blog and I'm not sure who everyone is, but I can also tell from the location who most of you are. I thought I would give some "shout-outs"!

I see I have had some people from California reading my blog. WOO HOO! To all my peeps in the CA - thanks for reading me!

To all those in the frozen tundra - otherwise known as GR, Jenison, and Grand Haven (you know who you are!) - I miss ya home skillet!

To my homey's up in MA (and those that originally hail from there) - whadup my people?

To my Weenie Sista's in NY and Tegucigalpa - holla back at me!

To those representin' the DeVries clan in the UK and beyond - you guys rock!

And most importantly, to my hillbilly's in NC - you da bomb!

Thanks to everyone for checking in with me here at Pamelot.


  1. So... you're sayin' I'm a HILLBILLY?? How about just SWEET and SOUTHERN? lol

  2. And oddly enough, I'm listed as Fayetteville NC although I'm nearer to Raleigh. But thanks for not writing, "to my sistas in the 'hood" in case you thought I really WAS from Fayetteville.

  3. Hey Pam!
    I love reading about how you are doing! I can't believe you have the energy for all the updates, but I'm glad you do!
    love you weenie sister!

  4. The grammar bitch in me is really pained when I read all that slang in one posting. It hurts. Really - it does!

    And I'll have you know, though it is about 3 degrees....the sun is out!

  5. SHOUT from Marcy
    Zambrano, Honduras


Show me some love people!